Monday, October 17, 2022

 KENNA: Born of Fire

We had a few more sessions with Kenna and have been so proud of all the effort and trust she has been blessing us with! Here is a few more entries into her "training journal" and some links to her more recent videos.

10/13/2022 – Day 4: RAIN

This was supposed to be a day off for Kenna (and Ronan too) but we caught a break in the rain and did a nice groundwork session. We reviewed everything we have been working on, introduced the mounting block – standing above her, rubbing/desensitizing her and getting her to stand still at the mounting block (it is definitely a trigger of sorts for her). We discovered some areas of tension and discomfort on her hips, probably from the poor “training” she received and set up some body work/ultrasound/electro therapy sessions with a friend. We worked on her being comfortable being groomed in her day stall and having her feet worked on. A mellow day all in all that enriched the connection and trust. That is really what the next couple of weeks is about: Setting up the relationship with trust, clarity, connection and communication. Everything else will fall into place.


10/14/2022 – Day 5: Saddled Up

Today Michael did a saddle fitting session with Kenna after reviewing the previous day’s lesson. Kenna is built very different from Ronan so Michael’s Diamond M Wade saddle needed to be adjusted a bit to fit comfortably. He opted to leave the rear cinch off at first because we suspect she has not been in a western saddle much (if at all) before. A review of the recent groundwork and additional work with the saddle in acclimatizing Kenna to the “feel” of it was done. Again, it is all about building trust while exposing Kenna to her new reality. Then the mecate was introduced. We love the diversity, the clear communication and the connection the mecate gives to the horse and the human. This is a very traditional piece of tack that has been used successfully for hundreds of years! Kenna was a little fussy at first attempt to bridle her up (again, she had bad experiences before coming to us) but she eventually accepted the bridle and progressed through getting acclimatized to its feel. She’ll be in her own mecate set up for a while. Once everything felt good on the ground, Michael took her over to the mounting block and began to work the exercises learned the day before. Everything was grooving right along. So in an inspired moment, Michael tossed a leg over Kenna! Now…keep in mind that we were told that she bucked her human off several times before being taken in the ACO seizure and fostered out. With all the transition and new experiences Kenna has been through in the last five days, it was anyone’s guess how this could have gone. Well, with a gentle squeeze of the calves, Kenna walked off calmly. No fuss, no drama. Together they worked briefly on the walk, the stop, the turns and the back up to introduce Kenna to Cooperative Riding. A short 10 minute ride resulting in some “wins” ended the session in a successful manner. The “first ride” was an unexpected blessing and illuminates the need for any trainer to listen to the horse and their intuition. This session was followed up by a great body work/therapy session that began Kenna process to being more comfortable and free in her hind end. We feel that the combination of good feed, good training and good health care will help Kenna really thrive in the season ahead.

 10/15/2022 – Day 6: A New To Her Saddle

After doing our morning chores and checking in on the horses we went shopping! Greene County Horseshow Supply which is probably the biggest tack shop in the regions, was having its Annual Tent Sale. So, armed with our measurements of Kenna, we heading to the sale! Chatted with Butch (the owner) and explained Kenna’s situation, our budget (she was not an expected addition to our family and thus the slush fund for Events/Travel became the saddle budget) and what we needed. He set us up with a nice Big Horn western saddle that fit Kenna and our budget (THANK YOU). That afternoon we headed back to the barn to make sure everything was good to go for Kenna. After getting her new rig all set up and fitted we did a normal training session with her. Collaborative Groundwork first, then Cooperative Riding. She did better than expected! We got into really exploring the feel of the rider, the bit, the cues and how the Pyramid of Pressure applies to Cooperative Riding. Lots of discoveries happened during the ride and it really created a clearer picture of her “history” and what we need to focus on in the weeks ahead. This was a great day…a busy day…but a great day. Kenna also got another body work/therapy session which netted some great results! We have video of these sessions posted on the Lucky Star Horsemanship Facebook page too!

 10/16/2022 – Day 7: Two New Experiences

Today, on top of everything else Kenna experienced being ponied by Ronan/Michael and then enjoyed a nice ride with Theresa (who was on Ronan) around the arena together! It was really fun and inspiring to try this. It went very well and given the challenges Kenna has faced in her history we couldn’t be more proud of her. She was a little hesitant to follow and yield at first but she figured out the requests quick enough and certainly gave an honest try! It really has been a whirlwind seven days for our girl, but she is adapting and settling in quite nicely. New experiences are going to be coming her way in the season ahead. We are in no rush to do anything major but we also know that a smart horse needs new experiences to thrive. With winter on its way we know that we need to set Kenna up for success early so we can maintain her positive development moving forward. She is still willing to trust humans…and we will strive to always be worthy of that trust.

Videos of some of our sessions together:

“Impromptu Ride” -

“Pony Experience” -

“First Real Ride” -

“Mounting Block”  -

“The Mecate”  -

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