Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Flames Remedy Adventures: 2016 Spring Equestrian Retreat

A JOURNAL: 2016 Spring Equestrian Retreat
This is a FOUR DAY/ THREE NIGHT event that happens annually at Bar SZ Ranch in Paicines, CA.

DAY 1: We packed up and loaded the horses at 5:30am. Feeder bags in place to help keep them happy on the five (we had some stops along the way) hour ride to Bar SZ Ranch! We got our three horses settled in a beautiful pasture which was shared with four other horses (so seven total as it is a BIG pasture) and a small cow (seriously-it was AWESOME) and then got all the registration booth, house logistics and dinner preparation done before the guests arrived. Tim, Michelle and the Bar SZ team were a big help as we dealth with some “on the fly” issues that pop up when having an event like this. It was a VERY long and very full day for us to say the least. Annie got to come face to face with a cow and her breeding showed true. Jack the Cow was a charmer and pretty mellow (if you have never been licked by a cow…well…it is an experience). She had zero fear of the cow and enjoyed playing tag with it. They all ran around and generally had a good time. Sadly Laurie and I didn’t get to saddle up because we are in charge for the weekend, had registration to deal with and had to prepare (and then clean up) the evening meal.

As folks arrived we got them set up as to where they and their horses needed to go, we covered the basic flow of the day and answered questions as needed. Then it was time to prepare dinner! We had set up “meal teams” where three to four people came together and prepared a meal based on a recipe/instructions provided (we did this for all nine meals). Laurie and I along with Mark Miller had the first meal of the event. So we got to work!

Doc’s Bar and Doc’s Pool Hall were REALLY big hits. The new Bar SZ Ranch merchandise was also a big hit!We got to enjoy a nice pasta dinner under the lights and the stars. Music played, the camp fire crackled and for the most part everything went well. We did have one “complaint” to deal with but it will be addressed in the morning because 10:30pm is not a time for action in a non-emergency. Never a dull moment went you run an event like this. Looking forward to a mostly low stress few days! Tomorrow we have workshops, obstacle challenges and more. Should be a great time! It’s just about midnight. So we are closing up the ‘bar” and calling it a night.

Flames Remedy Experience: She loaded up and traveled well as always. Once we got to the ranch she was set up in her housing for the weekend which was a large pasture which was shared with six (6) other horses and Jack the Cow as noted above. Lot of romping and playing and showing off her athletic ability as well as meeting new people. We allowed everyone to settle in and enjoyed watching all the antics, munching grass and working out the pecking order of the new herd. You can learn a great deal about a horse simply by REALLY watching how it moves, reacts to pressure and how it socializes. Annie seems right in the middle of the herd order this weekend.

DAY 2: The weather was Beautiful and FULL of activities that folks could take advantage of. Highlights of the day: Susan’s Wirlger’s workshop on refinement and taking communication to a new level on the ground and under saddle. Several awesome trail rides (they happened all day) and playing with the cattle when you came across them on the trail. Since this is a working ranch you never knew where the herd of cattle were. So if you came across them and wanted to play with them you could (as long and it was slow and easy). We also had the Obstacle Course Challenge (Round One), Knife/Ax Throwing, Target Shooting and general revelry throughout the day Meals included a Breakfast Casserole, Potato Bar Lunch with all the fixings, Red Beans and Rice (with and without Andouille sausage) was the dinner. Folks played pool. Tossed darts. Took turns “tending” Doc’s Bar and….well the list goes on and on. Again, FULL is the operative word and it hung out with FUN.

We all gave our horses a “job” and did lots of training while we had a blast. The fellowship was pretty awesome too. It always amazes us that this many people can come together and form a family is just a few short hours. Events like this create a bond and a sense of community which is always interesting to see develop.

Since folks could do as much or as a little as they wanted to EVERYONE got what they needed. As usual by lunch on Saturday the event created its own pace and rhythm. It is not easy putting together an event like this but it all comes together and becomes something wonderful. We have people wanted to reserve their spaces for next year already! Yes, it is that cool.

With so many opportunities to work together the horse/human teams all grew in confidence and skill. Folks called it a night a little earlier because they left it all on the trail, in the arena and on the challenge course! The horses all did great! Cannot brag about all the horse/human teams enough. With so many different skill levels coming together it was really hard not to improve and grow. Sunday is going to be another REALLY full day and we have some great things planned. Now it is time to head to bed and recharge!

Flames Remedy Experience: Round pen and groundwork review in the morning. She was not keen on being taken away from the herd and was a bit of a pill. New place, new people, new horses all added to her not focusing well at the beginning. We have to remember that she has not had much travel time or exposure to new places and new people. Because of this she is currently taking a bit to settle down when she is taken from horses and places she knows. We will have to continue to expose her to more group settlings and more places over then next few months in order to help her build her self-confidence. We rode in the arena a bit and even though she was distracted we got some work done. She was worked with by “new to her” folks and overall did pretty well. When we felt like her brain was full we ended on a good note and called it a day.

DAY 3: Today starts with laughter, a great Pancake breakfast and Advil. Everyone is moving a little slower but the SMILES are huge! After breakfast we had another great workshop with Susan Wirgler which built upon the work done yesterday, followed by a nice trail ride. Mark Miller ran the thrown weapons and shooting ranges. After a Taco Bar lunch we started playing with cattle. This is always a highlight of the Retreat for folks! First we had a cattle drive where folks had to actually go out and find the herd and then, as a team, bring them all to a designated area. Keeping the herd together and picking up any strays takes some skill and REAL awareness! Once that was done, we sorted babies out from mammas and had to move the mamma cows to a different location. Then we did some ranch sorting and penning in teams which is always a blast. Giving the horse a job like that just opens their minds and tests your relationship as well! After dinner – BBQ Teriyaki Chicken, salad, grilled corn on the cob, corn bread and more – we had a really cool raffle and announced the winners of the obstacle challenge. After dinner some folks headed over to ride in the lighted arena and ended up plays some unique horsey games. Others hung around the campfire, danced and had a fun social evening. Some of the adult beverages folks brought to share were both unique and fun! Margaritas to moonshine and even a Sirracha Sauce Stout beer. Yes, it was a really nice party!

It was another FULL day for horses and humans. It is very hard to put into words how amazing it is to have a group of folks, some of who are strangers, come together and by breakfast at Day 3 become a family. We are already working hard on our 5th ANNIVERSY Spring Equestrian Retreat in 2017 with Tim and Michelle and the Bar SZ Ranch team. Folks will not want to miss it! Tomorrow we wrap up another Retreat with more rides, more learning, more food and more FUN!

Flames Remedy Experience: After a short round pen session Annie got to participate in the Sunday Horsemanship Workshop with Susan Wirgler. Ronan and Argent were there too. She was handled by Michelle Boreland who trains all the ranch horses. Annie would be awesome and then a distracted/witch out if other horses can at her (see the group experience commentary above) then back to awesome. It really came down to her default mode when confronted with new and in her mind “scary” stuff. Back up and get out of the way. Michelle was GREAT with Annie, praising her when she did well and focused, hustling her feet when she got distracted or thought “her way” was better. This session was a reality shift for Annie. Other folks WILL work with you and other folks WILL be the Boss of you. Deal with it. Together they worked on transitions, backing, bending and a variety of exercises. It was really awesome to experience. After the workshop we headed out to the trail for about two hours. Lots of miles, saw and engaged cows, played “lead horse” and “sweeper”, got exposed to gunfire (from the nearby shooting range) spooked at a rather large snake (it was a gopher snake) where her default was to back up quickly (Michelle got her over this and back in the right mind set), played on some low level obstacles, crossed water, crossed a wooden bridge over a ravine and more. Overall she was a good girl but we were able to expose some hidden gaps in her experience that we now know to address and fix (or just be aware of). After the ride she got nice long drink and to relax tied up in the shade of the covered arena for a bit to contemplate the lesson before getting turned out into her pasture. This event is taxing on an experienced (meaning life experience) horse. Annie has not had much of this and it is our job to provide it for her to help her self-confidence grow. Also we have to remember that we are getting her in shape too. She is looking awesome but we know it takes time to build up to dealing with the new stuff we toss at her. Anyone who thinks of taking her home will need to continue this sort of program of new exercises, new experiences, long rides, wet saddle pads and concentrated training.

DAY 4: The last day of the Retreat is always bittersweet. After a great Breakfast Burrito breakfast Susan Wirgler gave a demonstration of round pen exercises that can help horses who, like Annie, get concerned about being in smaller spaces with other horses. Ronan and Annie were used. Through a series of maneuvers, patience, awareness and transitions Susan had both horses loping towards each other around the pen. She established her leadership and these two horses followed her lead. Then we tacked up and headed out on another awesome trail ride to another section of the ranch!

Some folks had to leave early (which is always sad), some folks just hung out after breakfast and enjoyed learning to throw axes and knifes, some took a short nap, some folks packed and prepped for the journey home and some folks were planning on staying an additional night! Something for everyone!

After the morning trail ride we got ready for a Mystery Meal lunch which has been a tradition now for four (4) years. We take all the left overs of the weekend and lay them out buffet style! Pasta, Teriyaki Chicken, Pork Carnitas, Red Beans and Rice and more got laid out and enjoyed!

Once lunch was done folks broke up into group. Some headed to the trail, some out to the obstacle challenge course, some to play with cows and some to work in the arena. It has become a tradition that this happens. Kind of everyone taking on long last look at Bar SZ and etching the memories and the new friendships into their minds as they plan to return next year!

The event slowly starts to wind down. About 4:00pm. We have a wrap up meeting with Tim, Michelle and the Bar SZ Team (plus anyone who wants to hang around for it) and go over some basic details for the next Retreat which is our 5th ANNIVERSARY EVENT! It is going to be a great Retreat! We left the ranch about 6:30pm tired but happy. Another Spring Retreat is on the books. We are looking forward to 2017! Tim, Michelle and the team ROCK. We are blessed to call them friends and they are examples of true professionalism, courtesy and grace. With the creativity and enthusiasm which was present at the Wrap Up Meeting we KNOW that t 2017 is going to be the best one yet!

Flames Remedy Experience: She had a very unique round-pen session, she did a long trail ride, she hung out with cattle, she worked with several people and even ponied an enthusiastic young gal of eight years around. In short she was MUCH improved over yesterday in the arena with the larger group, calmer on the trail and great with the little girl. She got to sit and soak it all in one last time before we loaded up and headed home. Got in around 11:30pm. She unloaded well and was happy to be home. We will continue to progress her forward with training and experience. Three trainers all saw the same things and we feel super confident that we, along with our network of folks, will be able to really help fill in the gaps in Annie’s life experience and training. We have added details to the program/plan and cannot wait to see the results. Annie came to us and got tossed into the deep end. She is rising to the challenge and we are seeing her true potential. It is not always easy or pretty and sometimes it is downright ugly but it is a journey not a race and we are happy to be sharing the trail with this little mare!
Some pictures of the event and Annie (we have lots to go through so more will be added later.)

 Annie: On the left.

 Pushing cattle (that is Ronan's head)

 Annie: Arena Work w/ Michelle

 Annie: hanging out with Laurie

Monday, May 23, 2016

Gearing up for the Spring Equestrian Retreat!

LESSONS 21-26: Lots of saddle time, lots of review and refinement has been the focus over the last few lessons. Everything from round pen work to work under saddle has been reviewed and some great leaps in refinement are happening! The new shoes and a bit of a break to let the bruised hoof heal up have REALLY helped Annie feel 100% We have been doing work outside the arena and around obstacles in order to prepare for the 2016 Spring Equestrian Retreat! The Retreat will really test her athletic ability, her mind and expand her experiences! We hope to have Michelle Borland of Bar SZ Ranch, Susan Wirgler of Wirgler’s Horse Humann Partnership and Denise Vietz of California Natural Horsemanship play with Annie over the long weekend! Since Laurie and I run this event we know it is going to be tough to get saddle time with all of our horses so having these great professionals offer to help out a bit will be awesome!

We are just three days away from the Retreat and will be in final crunch mode to get everything ready. Of course we get RAIN over the weekend and today so that really puts a crimp in our training time. Still everyone is getting LOTS of love and LOTS of short training sessions as we make breaks happen. The next part of this blog will be a “Retreat Journal” of sorts which will highlight Annie and our other horses as well as all the REALLY COOL activities we will have going on! Stay tuned!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

LESSON 19: Fun & Refinement

LESSON 19: Back to Pioneer Park Arena! Had the place all to ourselves. We are at the stage in her program where it is all about really getting good at the skills she has learned, getting in shape by adding muscle to her frame and helping her really refine herself. In short, it is boring to read about but FUN as all get out to be a part of. The improvements on respect, responsiveness, lightness in the bridle, softness in the body…all of it, really…are just fun to have progress and to see the changes in her carriage, her confidence and her overall wellbeing is just fun. To be a part of that journey is a blessing and will be good for us as it is for Annie.

After the usual groundwork warm up we worked on Sending and Circle Driving. Then we worked on Yield the HQ (under saddle) from the ground. Yes, that sounds confusing but it simply means you use the stirrup to cue the yield. It really translates when you do the exercise mounted. Lastly we Yielded the FW using Touch and Rub (it is where you apply various degrees of pressure to get a yield) Good stuff! Then we rode. Worked on the brakes, the steering wheel and the clutch then moved onto other fun stuff. She did really well and was a pleasure to work with. The new shoes are helping quite a bit. She stuck with the program all the way to the end and we did not have to have a discussion about who was in charge. After the lesson she got to stand tied to a tie post as we worked with the other horses. It was a good day for everyone.
 Relaxing after groundwork.

 She is TOO CUTE!

 Cruising along

 Cruising along.

 Chatting with the folks watching.

 Beginning to lift into the trot.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

LESSON 18: A Review Day

LESSON 18: A Review At Home! We were a bit short on time today so everyone got a groundwork review at the level they are working on. Annie was great! She went through all of her groundwork exercises in about 45 minutes. From Round Pen work to Circle Driving to Lateral Flexion to Desensitizing to Backing and all the cool things she has learned up to this point, Annie gave 100% and showed real improvement on every exercise. The new shoes are really helping her feel comfortable and balanced.

What stuck out the most today was her level of confidence and calmness during the session. No big over-reactions. No major worries over being “wrong” (she doesn’t like to make mistakes) or telling us she was done before we were really done. It was a pretty cool session and it is super easy to see how her breeding plays out in her training. She is controlling her body better and her athletic ability is really showing.

It is days like today that makes all the hard work worth it. She is shaping up to be a very nice horse and some lucky family is going to be very blessed to partner with her.

 Lateral Flexion


 Yield HQ


 Circle Driving

 Lunge for Respect 2

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

LESSON 17: New Attitude and Refined Skills

LESSON 17: We headed over to Pioneer Park Arena in Somerset (which is about 15 minutes from our home) to work with the horses. The footing in the large arena is not great but serviceable, albeit kind of hard. This is going to be “home base” until the end of June and then we will return to the El Dorado Fairgrounds Arena once the County Fair is over. So we did Annie’s lesson in the smaller arena. She was still a little sore on her left front (the last trim she got before she came home with us was a bit short and she had a bit of a bruise on her hoof), although the new shoes, joint and anti-inflammatory supplements have helped a great deal. The footing is deeper and more comfy for her so we got to work.

She was a tad distracted at first. Other horses were in the large arena and there were lots of people on the disc golf course, walking dogs and so on. We did some Lunging for Respect 1 and 2, Yield the HQ, Yield the FQ, Backing (all four methods), Sending and Circle Driving. Of course we did Lateral Flexion and Desensitizing in between each exercise and even broke out the Plastic Bag on a Stick. She did well and once her brain was engaged and focused on the work things went smoothly.

Then we saddled up and started her ride! Cruising/One Rein Stops was our warm up. Then we got into Follow the Fence (she really refined this last weekend at Sweetwater Movieland Ranch with Marla as her human). Lateral Flexion in the Bridle, Yield the HQ at a Standstill. Yield the HQ and Back Up, Bending at the Walk and a few other exercises were done. Overall she did really well. She has a good work ethic under saddle which is nice and seems willing to at least try. When we first got her home she was all about doing things “her way” and was not a great partner. Well, with us that attitude gets you worked vigorously with lots of direction changes and movement. She has really begun to grasp the concept of “the right thing is always easy” and is taking it to heart. She is communicating well (or we are just reading her better –grin) and we are pretty proud of her development in these few lessons.

Have to brag on her a bit. Even after the LONG haul down to Aqua Dulce and dealing with the newness of being in a stall, she performed really well with Marla (the new Greater L.A. Chapter President) and for me during the various lessons in the arena, on the trail and through the obstacles.  She is getting more “social” with humans too. She was checking out the little kids who came to the rail to see the horses. In past outing she seemed not to care about humans that were not Laurie or myself. She is coming into her own personality as her health and conditioning improve. Nice to see!
Working on Forward, Back, Forward

 A soft turn (pre-signal)

 Enjoying the Loose Rein


INTERLUDE- NEW SHOES: It is Thursday morning. We leave for Aqua Dulce, CA first thing Friday morning and Annie needs shoes. Enter the Farrier: Made the choice to bring Annie’s boyfriend Ronan along for the ride to meet with the farrier. Since we had no idea how she would stand for him it seemed wise. Annie was a ROCK STAR! She was trimmed a bit short so the farrier got a little creative. He used the “hot shoe” method to get the fit just right. It is something to watch the farrier work their magic. She stood calmly through the whole process. We did some light work in the arena (we met at the Fairgrounds) just to see ow she moved and it was markedly better. She’ll be much happier this weekend for sure! Good job Annie!

Monday, May 9, 2016

ROAD TRIP & PRACTICE “JOURNAL” – THE ROAD WARRIORS: It is Friday morning. We loaded up and headed out about 6:45am. We set up feed bags in the trailer so the horses had road food. Our plan was to stop every 3-4 hours and give the horses and us a little break. Overall the trip went well. We hit some traffic, quite a bit of rain and accidents along Highway 5 in several places but the horses traveled well. We had issues finding safe places to unload them which was sad but safety first! We arrived at Sweetwater Movieland Ranch in Agua Dulce, California about 4:00pm and quickly got the horses settled in to three really nice stalls with paddock space (NOTE: Annie does NOT like stalls and has had very little experience in them. She ate and drank sparingly when in the stall and made a “nest” to lay down in in her paddock. We may have to do some work on this, somehow.). We met with Cathy, who showed us around and gave us some general information about the facility. Food, water and a good brushing/T.L.C for the horses and then we waked them around a bit. Lots to see and new horses to meet! Once all was well they got to bed down for the night. Then it was time to take care of the humans! After almost nine (9) hours of drive time we needed a break so went to grab dinner and a movie. At Cathy’s suggestion we “upgraded” our room from the “Outlaw Quarters” (see the pictures below) to “The Bunkhouse” because it had better climate control and a real bathroom. After the long road trip we needed a shower and good night’s rest. The Bunkhouse also had a really nice communal room with a large screen T.V., ping-pong/pool table dining area and other amenities that we didn’t use this trip but hopefully will in the future!
The Outlaw Quarters

 The Outlaw Quarters

The Outlaw Quarters
 The Bunkhouse

 The Bunkhouse

 The Bunkhouse

 The Bunkhouse

 The Bunkhouse

 The Bunkhouse - Stalls

We also met Nigel who is a rather large Mastiff. He was a love bug and a bit of a ninja who would show up when you least expected him to. He was fun to hang out with.

Saturday morning we were up early, fed the horses and then walked around the facility and the obstacle course. Cloudy and chilly but nice horsemanship weather all in all! Then it was set up time!  We had NINE (9) horse/human teams and a decent audience of borders during the day! Folks started to arrive on site about 9:00am. We met with Marla (who was going to be working with Annie) for the day and got to know some of the new folks! Good people and good conversation! About 10:00am we all hit the arena. Introductions happened. An overview of the day happened. A discussion of the expectation of performance and behavior at practices happened. Lots of information was covered. In the breaks between exercises.
In true Brumbies style we started off with Groundwork first. Since this was the very first time everyone had gotten together we thought it would be wise to “evaluate” everyone’s understanding of the Method and how they communicated with their horses. Most everyone had a good grasp on the Fundamentals. During the Groundwork portion of the day we refined many things from body position and language to what reasonable expectations of performance were in regards to the horse being worked with. The exercises included Lunging for Respect 1 & 2, Lateral Flexion, Flexion from the Opposite Side, Backing (Tap the Air and Wiggle, Wave, Walk & Whack), Yielding the Hindquarters 1, Desensitizing with the Rope and Stick/String and Sending. Everyone got wins, got improvement and got more refinement! We covered quite a bit of information and began to develop a plan for the next practice (hopefully in June). Annie passed from Marla to Michael and back during this session (and she performed all the exercises we focused on pretty well) which was really cool because everyone got to see what two weeks doing the Method consistently could do and what two years doing the Method could do for their horses!

Folks were getting hungry at this point so we broke for lunch and tacked up! Great fellowship with some wonderful vistas to look at added to the break and made it special. Once everyone was tacked up we got back in the arena! Everyone did a preflight check on their horses and gear and then we mounted up. We wanted to make sure everyone had a safe handle on their horses before we hit the trails/challenge course. Riding Exercises included the Cruising Lesson, One Rein Stops, Follow the Fence, Lateral Flexion in the Bridle, Yield the Hindquarters at the Standstill, Backing and Bending Transitions. For those horses that we a little more advanced under saddle we did some other fun exercises for them to play with. Then we were off to the Trails and Challenge Course! (Yes, Annie was right there with us the whole time).

Some of us walked down the hill trail and some rode until we got to the Trail/Challenge Course Area. The trails were well maintained and wide with lots of grade and terrain to play on! Wood bridges and “levy trails” were all over the place. We had log stairs, an L Box, and Archway (think Cowboy Curtain and a short tunnel with stuff handing all over it), an actual Tunnel/Trench, a Water Box, two elevated Bridge Boxes, a Wagon Wheel, Log Jumps, Gates and more. The group did both ground work and work under saddle until the sun began to set behind the hillside. Lots of wins, BIG SMILES, laughter and fellowship filled the air. We definitely achieved the long rides, concentrated training and wet saddle pad combination! All the horses were safe and sane even when they were unsure of a challenge or obstacle. The humans all worked hard with the Method and the skills they brought with them. Lots of sharing and LOTS of support and encouragement from everyone to everyone.

It does not get much better than that!

We wrapped up with a short chat about future events and gatherings like the Spring Equestrian Retreat and thanked everyone for coming out and supporting this first session of the new chapter! Some folks had a bit of a drive so they loaded up and headed home. Those that could stay headed over to Big Mouth Pizza (it is REALLY good pizza) for dinner and frosty adult beverages! More laughter, fellowship and sharing of experiences happened. Friends were made and bonds were formed. We event bounced around the idea of creating a “mini retreat” much like our annual Spring Equestrian Retreat but on a smaller scale for the Greater L.A./ So-Cal groups and members of the No Worries Club in that area of the state. We will se if we can make it happen. After we got back from dinner we strolled around the facility with Ronan, Argent and Annie one more time. We chatted with several borders who watched our session and who had lots of questions. We invited them to check out the group and hopefully we will see them at upcoming sessions. It was a good day.
You can see a photo album of the trip and session at: https://www.facebook.com/thedownunderbrumbies/

Sunday morning found Laurie and I cleaning up our three stalls, playing with Nigel and the other ranch dogs, packing up and heading out! We were on the road by 8:45am. As cruised down Highway 5 near Taft, California we heard a thumping noise and saw that a chunk of the outer wall of one of the trailer tires and ripped off! We limped the loaded truck and trailer to a little truck stop right off the highway. Interestingly enough there were four semi trucks all dealing with flat tires as well. We pulled the horses out of the trailer and secured them to a fenced area that was storing junked cars. Then we set up a little base camp so one of us could sit with the horses while the other headed down the road about ten (10) miles to a tire shop (they opened up for us) to get the tire replaced. We ended up replacing TWO (2) tires as we noted that another one was beginning to fail. The horses and their human became a truck stop attraction! All sorts of folks with no clue about horses came up to look at them, pet them, ask a bunch of questions and of course tell us all about that one time they rode or when they had a horse as a kid or…whatever. Sigh. Just one more test of patience to be sure. All three horses got to do some groundwork because you never miss a training opportunity. There was even a really large puddle that we did some Sending and crossings through. Once the tires were back on we met back up, loaded up and headed down the road. We rolled into our front gate in Placerville, California about 8:15pm. It was a very long day. The horses did really well and we could not be more proud of them!

So, we had a great practice session and an expensive trip south! Annie, Ronan and Argent did great! Folks had fun and had wins to celebrate. It was a grand adventure for our merry band of road warriors!

A HUGE THANK YOU to Marla, Adrianne and John for all the support, the great pictures and the dedication to make this first session such a success!