Monday, May 8, 2017

Farrier Day!

This entry was written by Laurie who wrangled all three horses so they could get their hooves taken care of. Cearra was a rock star!

Today was pedicure day and to help our farrier out with his scheduling, we met at the local fairgrounds. The crew onsite were setting up for a “farm day” for the local schools so there was a lot of activity. If you’ve been reading the blog, you may remember that Cearra has had trouble settling down when we have come to the fairgrounds before. We were unsure how she was going to act today with all of the activity going on – bulldozers, weed-whackers, fork lifts moving bleachers and stacks of tables, inmate work crew moving noisy pipe panels. To say that we are proud of her demeanor and behavior is an understatement! She stood quietly for the farrier even with big equipment working less than 100 feet away!  She was curious and watchful, but none of the noise or activity phased her one bit! What a long way she has come!

 Here comes the tractor...

 Cearra could care less...

 And there goes the tractor...

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