Saturday, February 6, 2016

It's FEBRUARY! Session #1

FEBRUARY Weekend Sessions: We have had LOTS of rain and snow here in the Sierra Foothills. Combine this with crazy work schedules, school schedules, outdoor “must do now” projects”, Ronan throwing a shoe and the fact that the covered semi-public arena we use was closed made it very difficult to do much in the way of training! We had to move our horses around when the Rescue Six (see Interlude for more details) and in the establishing of the new herd dynamic two blankets were damaged. Sigh. Repairs are underway. In short it has been a pretty full week. It has not yet been 60 days since Nike became part of the family.

Friday was a groundwork review session. We had made the round pen larger (the footing was still muddy and slick though) since Nike is getting taller (see pictures) which also helped to free up her lope. We did a 60 minute review of all the groundwork exercises in the Fundamentals and what we have begun to do in the Intermediate levels. Even with the time off Nike was engaged, focused (even with the other horses watching) and performed most of the exercises to a B or better. She is transitioning her gaits better each time! She is developing both mentally and physically and we are very proud of her. Tomorrow we’ll head over to Pioneer Park in Somerset and do it all again with saddle time added in.

NOTE: Clinton Anderson (founder of Downunder Horsemanship) has put out a challenge to all the study groups, like The Downunder Brumbies, to send in video of group representatives performing The Method. He and his team will choose FOUR folks to come to Texas for a three day Challenge. After some discussion it looks like Ronan and I are crafting a video. Since we have been focusing on the Clinic happening on February 19-21, 2016 this seems like a good idea. So, we will be in training mode for the next few weeks which spills over onto everyone! Wish us luck!

Here is Nike at Day 55: She is at least an inch taller and beginning to fill out in places. Today she was "front end tall" but we know that will level out. We have all of our horses on a fairly calorie rich diet with a good variety to help them prepare for the increased level of training that they will be engaged in during the upcoming weeks. It is paying off!

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